
Full Stack Web Development Course - Saxon Academy Of Learning

This extensive project-based course is designed to cover Full-Stack web development from scratch. It includes HTML5, CSS3 & BootStrap 4 for creating responsive and elegant webpages; JavaScript & jQuery for rich and more interactive UI development for web applications; PHP & Laravel Framework for back-end web development. Database programming for web using Eloquent ORM & MySql. Developing REST Services/API using PHP & Laravel Framework; and Consuming REST Services using AJAX & JSON. The course also covers essentials of Angular for modern single page web application development.

Brief Contents

  • Introduction Web Development, HTML, HTML5 & IDEs
  • Basics of HTML & CSS and HTML Headings, Paragraphs & Images
  • HTML Text Formatting, Links, Entities and Inline vs Block Level Elements
  • HTML Lists: Unordered List, Ordered List and Description List
  • iframe to Display Web-Pages from other Websites on your Website
  • Detailed Overview of HTML5 and HTML5 Semantic Elements
  • Using Audios and Videos on Websites using HTML5 Elements
  • Creating Forms to Collect Data from Users using HTML5 & CSS3
  • Creating and Using CSS Styles: Inline CSS, Internal CSS & External CSS;
  • Using CSS3 Styles with div, p, span etc. for Creating Beautiful Web Pages
  • CSS3 Box-Model: Padding, Margin, Outline, Border, Background
  • CSS3 Floating, Positioning, Overflow, Image-Opacity and Image-Sprites
  • CSS3 Media Queries in Detail & Creating fully Responsive Web Pages
  • Introduction to BootStrap 4 and BootStrap 4 Grid System in Detail
  • BootStrap 4 Typography, Tables, Images, Thumbnails and Buttons
  • BootStrap 4 for Creating Elegant Forms for Collecting User Data
  • BootStrap 4 Jumbotron, Tooltips, Popovers, Alerts, Spinners & Badges
  • BootStrap 4: Navs, Navbars, Menus, Tabs, Dropdown and Collapse
  • BootStrap 4 Pagination, Modals, Cards, Image Carousel and Scrollspy
  • JavaScript Statements, Expressions, Conditions and Loops
  • JavaScript Objects, Functions, Arrays and Events
  • Working with Numbers, Strings, and Dates in JavaScript
  • Testing and Debug a JavaScript Applications
  • Create object-oriented JavaScript applications
  • Using Regular Expressions, Handling Exceptions and Validating Data
  • Events, Images, and Timers, Closures, Callbacks and Recursion
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in JavaScript Applications
  • Selecting and Manipulating DOM Elements with jQuery
  • Using jQuery for Event Handling, Basic Animations and Effects
  • jQuery AJAX Calls ( load(), get(), post(), ajax(), getJSON(), getScript() )
  • Handling Responses of AJAX Call in Plain Text, HTML and JSON format
  • Xammp & Netbeans Installation (PHP7 & MySql)
  • Introduction to PHP, Basic PHP syntax & Conditional Statements
  • PHP Programming: Loops (for, While , Do-while & Foreach)
  • PHP Programming: Arrays , Super Global Arrays & Functions
  • PHP Programming: Built in function’s
  • PHP Programming: Intro to OOP, Data members & Data function
  • PHP Programming: Access modifiers & Encapsulation
  • PHP Programming: Magic Methods, Setter, Getter & Constructors
  • PHP Programming: Inheritances, Polymorphism, Abstraction
  • PHP Programming: Interfaces, Final Class, Static Function
  • Introduction of Git Version-Control System & Git Installation
  • Flow chart of Repositories, Branches & Git Commands
  • Installing SourceTree GUI for Git & Composer Package Manager for PHP
  • Download Latest Laravel Framework via Composer
  • Intro of Laravel Directory Structure, Laravel Routing
  • Laravel Framework: Create Controller via PHP Artisan
  • Laravel Framework: Intro to Blade Template Engine
  • Laravel Framework: Integrating Front-End theme to Laravel
  • Laravel Framework: Build a Template Configuration based
  • Laravel Framework: Create a components blade file and load in main controller file
  • Laravel Framework: Load Layout in controller
  • Laravel Framework: Create a global css and js file and load in main controller
  • Laravel Framework: Download Laravel html collection package (form and html).
  • Laravel Framework: Create a registration form & Intro of CSRF Token
  • Laravel Framework: Create Forms & Handling Client side validation
  • Laravel Famrwork: Uploading / Downloading Images using Laravel
  • Introduction to Lumen Laravel Micro Framework for REST Services
  • Create & Managing Databases for Web using MySQL
  • Intro of Eloquent Laravel ORM Framework & Installation
  • Database Programming using Eloquent & MySql
  • Migration, Schema Builder, Seeders & Factories Eloquent
  • REST APIs / REST Services: API routes, Controllers & Models
  • Essentials of cURL for Consuming REST APIs / REST Services
  • Consuming REST Services / REST API using AJAX and JSON
  • Essentials of Angular for Creating Modern Web Applications
  • Testing, Debugging & Publishing Website to a Commercial Server
  • Training Methodology

  • Lectures & Demos by industry experts
  • Project Driven Hands-On approach
  • Focus on latest tools, technologies & industry practices
  • Projects, assignments & quizzes for participant’s evaluation
  • Audience

  • Students & Graduates of any discipline looking for future in IT
  • Web Designers interested in learning Web Development
  • Minimum requirement of formal education is intermediate
  • Course Project

  • Student of this course should be comfortable in using computers and internet. Prior knowledge of web development is helpful but not required for this course.
  • Certificate

  • On successful completion of the course participants will be awarded a participation certificate from EVS Professional Training Institute
  • In addition to this, participants may acquire Microsoft certification for Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3 ( Exam: 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3)
  • Duration & Frequency

  • Total Duration of the course is 6 months (24 Weeks, with 3 classes of 1.5 hours in a week).